Monday, August 08, 2005


No , I'm not still talking about comment spam . Last year I had a mouse problem . They weren't in the kitchen but running under the floorboards in the bedrooms and above the 1st floor ceilings in the roof space . I got friendly traps which they didn't take to - more fool them - and quickly went for old style traps . Within minutes the little buggers had decided to throw themselves into the traps with gay abandon and I could quite happily watch my favourite t.v. programs to the accompaniment of rodent neck snapping . If I didn't clear them often enough they turned cannibal and started nibbling on their furry brothers' still warm corpses . All was going well and I'd worked out that they were coming from my neighbour's house . Whilst laying traps in the roof space I encountered pestilence number 2 - giant mother fucker queen wasps . You can empty an entire can of wasp killer on them but it only makes them slightly dizzy and really pissed off . After hours of nervously clearing debris left by the previous owner in crawl spaces I contented myself that there were no nests and the morning ritual of dodging them in the bathroom came to an end .

Some months have passed and I reckon the neighbour has got to grips with his mice city but still occasionally hear the odd scurry - perhaps an elderly wheel chair bound mouse who was abandoned by his kin or could it be something else ? Current thinking is that pestilence 3 is most likely bats .

I'm long past the days of Sunday School but perhaps someone could enlighten me . Are locusts , plague and famine still ahead or should I just crack open another can of Guinness ? If a sacrifice is necessary I'm not sure what currency God accepts these days so some help on that would be welcome too .

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