Monday, June 19, 2006

Sick bitch

What sort of poisonous, sick bitch does this?

Drag the bitch behind a car for 5 miles. Roll in salt, oil and chilli powder. Crisp with a blowtorch.

1 comment:

kittycatlane said...

It's sad, and not that unusual. I read a blog of a very nice man who's been looking for his soulmate, and he recently dated (and had sex with) a woman who's a nurse. A professional woman, who, as he finds out later, has herpes, and had unprotected sex with him, not telling him about her STD until much later. He now has herpes, and is being tested for AIDS. People can be unfeeling bastards, and I don't know why but it does surprise me when I hear about it. BIG HUGS, Steph