Tuesday, February 28, 2006

what was said

Were you here last week?
Ah, yeah, I think I was.
Yeah, thought so. My friend recognised you. (There was no friend in site)
Are you staying in here for the rest of the night?
Not sure. I'm with a group of people.
Do you want to go to a party?
Sorry, my mate's emigrating, it's a sort of leaving-doo. I'm just going to go where everyone else goes.
Uh, OK. Do you think there's something wrong with me? (What?)
No, no. I'm just going to drink a lot and have a laugh with him before he leaves.
Do you think I'm good looking? (Oh, no.)
You're not my type. (perhaps too much tan and make up)
I'm not ?
Well, do you like the intellectual type or the sporty type? (this should do it.)
Ha, Ha. The intellectual type.
I'm the sporty type.
Ha, ha, ha. You're funny! (Oh, crap)
I'm not really.
Ha, ha.I've got the house to myself later. (What?)
I thought you said you were going to a party.
Ah, well, if I wasn't going home. You know...
Oh! Well, it sounds like you are. Enjoy your party. (Obvious, surely)
Ha, ha.You could come too. (But apparently not....)
To the party or home?
Um, with me.
I think I'll have to decline, sorry.
Do you not fancy me? (I'm sure we've done this already)
Ah, no, not really.
Are you being rude. (Perhaps)
I think you are.
Well, whatever.
Don't you want to sleep with me? (Deaf or stupid?)
What! No, look I'm not interested. Sorry.
You're being nasty.
I'm not trying to be, honest. Look come half one everyone'll find you attractive.
Will you come over and talk to me later then?
Ah, that's unlikely.
Ha, ha, ha. So you don't want to kiss me now then? ( I sense a need to use the BIG ONE)
I'm, er .... gay. (I can't believe I just said that)
Fucking wanker!!

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