Friday, February 10, 2006

Subscribe to tiny world review

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You may have noticed a new orange symbol appearing on the right hand side (this'll make no sense if you're reading this at some future date when I've completely bolloxed up the layout of this blog page) which is the RSS feed symbol.
Clicking on this takes you through to the RSS feed (I know, it's so f'ing obvious isn't it) where you add the said RSS feed (see I said it again) to a newsreader or feed aggregator of your choice like Feedburner or Bloglines or Google or Newsgator or and others.

Now naturally I feel like Charlie Clever Clogs today for doing this but who f'ing knows if it works? Allright, I do. I checked it and it greatly improves the look of the RSS feed in Firefox and dovetails brilliantly with the new Internet Explorer 7 beta 2.

Anyway, give it a try if you want to. Or just click on the damn thing for fun. Or send me money. Or give me offers of sex.

Yep, either of the last two will be just dandy.

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