Thursday, June 23, 2005

stopping junk mail - the letterbox sort

What's even worse than junk spam mail is it's unstoppable older brother , the sort that slides slug like through your letter box each morning , demanding to be opened and read , claiming or feigning an over inflated sense of self importance . If you're like me you'll get much more of this rubbish than the real thing . I resent the time and energy it takes to open and digest them , the bad feelings it gives me at the start of the day and the sheer waste of resources .

It is possible , however , to have this substantialy reduced through an organisation called the Mailing Preference Service .

A simple 5 minute registration allows the central databases available to businesses that mailshot to named individuals to be amended to exclude you , other members of the household or those who have lived at that address previously .

It can take 3 to 4 months to work through the system and won't stop all junk mail but will stop those bloody Reader's Digest competition communications . How I regret buying 1 stupid f ing book many , many , many years ago . I once wrote to Reader's Digest and offered to send them MY shit - literally - in exchange for the shit they were sending me , it only worked for a short while.


1 comment:

Sultan said...

I use a Bayesian Spam filter as described in these articles: