Friday, August 11, 2006

Fly boy

Who had to fly on Thursday morning?

Who still has to get home on Friday afternoon?

That's right.


Sarah said...

I do not envy you...especially now with the delays. Remember- drink your whisky before you get to the airport- you can no longer bring it on the plane.

Anonymous said...

Monty - I dont actually know that much Spanish - and the version I do know is mostly Puerto Rican spanish. And mostly curse words and sexual phrases... I cheated when I posted that.

Theres a great new "program" out there called "Rosetta Stone" - quick way to learn almost ANY new language. You can find that at

monty said...

Sarah, whisky is a demon which should never be unleashed. Come to think of it Merlot is too. And Bisongrass.
Anyway, I got home, slightly late.

Sher, I might just do that. Monthly subscription, when I get a few things cleared up.

Jo, if you buy the book departure gate side you can take it on. Just means I can't work on the plane any more. No more last minute prep then.

Anonymous said...

Time to buy that yacht