Sunday, January 02, 2005

broken resolutions

no , not me ! i haven't even made any . but everywhere around the world there are people who's bright new dawn of good intentions crashed and burned immediately after take-off . sort of like the phoenix rising from the ashes and then saying " fuck this " just set fire to me again please . you see that's the thing about new year's resolutions , they're all smoke and mirrors , there is no substance to them , they are always still-born . people who couldn't plan a takeaway meal sit down and think just because they have a thought that the thought will miraculously come real , breathe life into itself without any help or encouragement from them and that their life will be transformed . " welcome to the 2nd of january - excuse me is that your bubble which just burst ? " . what we should say around the end of the year is - have you made a wish yet ? ( that would be a bit more honest wouldn't it ) . a resolution is something that you resolve to do , which to me means determination , planning , etc. which is what i'm just about to do .......

* (parks very tall horse and walks into the saloon ) *

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