Tuesday, April 10, 2007


My Mini-me is 3. She's smart. For a three year old. Knows the alphabet, can count, write her own name but struggles with chaos theory and astro-photometry. Pffft! Slacker.

Now to the point; I am particularly glide-tastic in my movement. What I mean is I can walk into a room, stand behind someone for a couple of minutes and scare the be-Jaysus out of them when they eventually realise I'm there. So....each time I "appear" on my daughter she asks me how I do it.

Eventually one day I caved in and admitted that I just think about where I want to go, click my fingers and appear. She is convinced. 110%. "Daddy, how'd you do that? Show me!"

Yep, there's Santa and the Tooth Fairy but I'm the Daddy!


Sarah said...

Monty- I love how your special, magical capabilities include creeping up on people. Have you tried it out in a bar? I guess that wouldn't be a good idea. People just wouldn't see the funny part.

This reminds me of the movie "Mr. Deeds." The butler was very very sneaky.

kittycatlane said...

Ahhh Mini has a magical dad! Very cool! I had a magical grandpa, both are very special.
Three year olds are my favorite! That has to be the sweetest age. They are so much fun, full of wonder and a thirst for learning.
Give that little one lots of kisses and hugs from me! BIG HUGS, Steph

badgerdaddy said...

That's just scary.

Mind you, I'm also scared by people that send hugs over the interweb.

Nothing personal.

jnuts said...

be thankful Endora is not your mother or mother-in-law.

and if you don't get my reference, then I'm WAY to old to live.

monty said...

Sarah, in bars, at night camping in the dark (that's a good one)...generally the response is something just short of a punch. And yes, just like the butler.

Steph, yeah, she's at a brilliant age.

Badgerdaddy, boo!

Jock, I remember Bewitched. Well, I remember my granny telling me about it.