Monday, November 13, 2006


I need to put in a lot of effort at work at the moment. As time is finite I think one of the first things to go has to be this.
I only started blogging to learn something about the web and so I was curious when MSN started their Spaces blogging service in December 2004 and was one of the first to sign up. I moved to Blogger in April this year, some of the old entries have been migrated across, some haven't, the old blog and it's archives being here. Most of it is crap though there are some funny posts here and there, the sort of thing I like reading when I cruise other blogs. To those who call here occasionally, thanks for reading... and commenting. I don't know if this will be permanent or merely a sabbatical so I'll leave it up for now.


Sarah said...

Just leave it up. I promise we won't expect anything, but if you feel the need to say something, it'll still be here for you to do so.

Don't make me beg. I'm ugly when I cry.

Sweary said...

Ah, you yoke. I like you and all.

monty said...

Sarah, I will. And ugly... I doubt. Blush now.

Swearing Lady, good luck with the writing. You're on the verge, which is somewhere before the cusp.

Anonymous said...

I have to confess that now and agan I have the same thoughts ... just close it all and maybe (maybe maybe) start a new one. But never had the guts to really do it.

Just have a rest and it will go away ;)

Steph said...

Don't be a pussy! I'm busy as all fuck and i still find time to blog.
Priorities Monty!!!


Quindigo said...

Unacceptable, really, Monty.

Perhaps you just need a large stuffed toy penis for inspiration.