Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Often I don't know what I should write here . Sometimes I know what I want to write but know it'll take too long for me to type it in - my entries usually end up short . Today for example I had a couple of subjects I wanted to write an entry about but my plans were abruptly derailed after a quick visit to my local Co-op ( convenience store ) earlier this evening . I went round to get some essentials , bread , milk , some MDMA - you know the score . Standing in the queue for 5 minutes there is normal as there's usually only 1 old girl scanning your vitals . The queue built up and old Betsy wasn't making an impression ( she has 2 speeds , too fucking slow and stop ) so a young redhead slips in behind the counter and yells "next please" . Up I step to her till passing Betsy's customer on the way . My nostrils flare instinctively as I snort a line of ..... pure acrid sweat . But this is a young .... lady . That smell belongs on a fat fifty year old male who eats the wrong food , the poisons clogging his organs forcing liquid excrement out his pores . Forgetting my mouth was open I suck in a lung full of the sweaty haze . An involuntary gag throws my tongue forward as I reach out my hand to collect the change and I taste her disgusting smell . I couldn't have been more exposed to it if I'd pulled up her top and tongued her dripping arm pit . F U C K M E ! Ladies , if one of your brethren has an odour problem please , for the love of God do me a favour and point her to the deodorant aisle .

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