8 from 3
For reasons that are completely beyond my control (like greed and discipline) my healthy eating splurge never got beyond a fortnight and lip service (and I don't mean the Asian "happy ending" lip service either). This means that as of Sunday I still had 11 pounds to lose. Due to buying an MP3 player (which, after 3 days, is already on it's way back to the supplier, but that's another story) I did, for the first time in years, manage to go for a short run in Parliament grounds near my house which had the astonishing effect (coupled with reasonably sensible eating) of raising my metabolism for sufficiently long to lop another 3 pounds off. Three weeks left. Hence 8 from 3. Is it feasible to lose 8+ pounds in the remaining 3 weeks or should I just accept man-breasts and faux pregnancy for yet another holiday album?
** This may or may not be an accurate representation of how I currently look.
Monty: I remember quite well what you looked like when you were visiting here, and I would say that photos is an extremely accurate representation.
Hopefully you are looking more intelligent than our esteemed frined Brad.
You mean chicks don't dig manboobs?
I found out Janet Jackson has ab implants for the ripped effect...perhaps you could just save up for that?
Indigo, I've been saving myself for Janet Jackson for years...oh, sorry misunderstood.
I already have an ab implant (singular) and it's very convex. I need 4 weeks drifting in the Atlantic.
I hear ya, and I feel your pain Monty. Gee..... you look very familiar! LOL Personally I like a Man who's got some weight to him. When I'm hugged I want to feel it! I'm leary of stick thin Men, too much anal self control... and what fun is that? huh? BIG HUGS
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