Tuesday, June 20, 2006

8 from 3


For reasons that are completely beyond my control (like greed and discipline) my healthy eating splurge never got beyond a fortnight and lip service (and I don't mean the Asian "happy ending" lip service either).
This means that as of Sunday I still had 11 pounds to lose. Due to buying an MP3 player (which, after 3 days, is already on it's way back to the supplier, but that's another story) I did, for the first time in years, manage to go for a short run in Parliament grounds near my house which had the astonishing effect (coupled with reasonably sensible eating) of raising my metabolism for sufficiently long to lop another 3 pounds off. Three weeks left. Hence 8 from 3. Is it feasible to lose 8+ pounds in the remaining 3 weeks or should I just accept man-breasts and faux pregnancy for yet another holiday album?

** This may or may not be an accurate representation of how I currently look.


jnuts said...

Monty: I remember quite well what you looked like when you were visiting here, and I would say that photos is an extremely accurate representation.

Sultan said...

Hopefully you are looking more intelligent than our esteemed frined Brad.

badgerdaddy said...

You mean chicks don't dig manboobs?


Quindigo said...

I found out Janet Jackson has ab implants for the ripped effect...perhaps you could just save up for that?

monty said...

Indigo, I've been saving myself for Janet Jackson for years...oh, sorry misunderstood.
I already have an ab implant (singular) and it's very convex. I need 4 weeks drifting in the Atlantic.

kittycatlane said...

I hear ya, and I feel your pain Monty. Gee..... you look very familiar! LOL Personally I like a Man who's got some weight to him. When I'm hugged I want to feel it! I'm leary of stick thin Men, too much anal self control... and what fun is that? huh? BIG HUGS