Don't do this
There are things in life one just shouldn't do. No ifs or buts, they're just not clever. I'm not saying I've done any of these but take it from me that I have it on good authority that the following are NOT recommended.
1. drinking Guinness whilst entertaining someone of the opposite sex. It's o.k. if you stop at 2 but if you drink on or if your meal is particularly rich or mix it with a quality Merlot..... well, let's just say have your excuse ready for later on. Or make sure your coat is handy. If they'd been able to mass produce that noxious gas during WW1 think how many lives would have been saved.
2. lighting a cigarette from a camp-fire. I know it'll seem cool and avoid the problem of having to find who's nabbed your lighter or fight the slightest of breezes to ignite your cancer stick of choice but you'll only succeed in giving yourself male pattern baldness in 2 seconds flat. And your eyelashes and eyebrows will look just a tad silly when reduced to black shrivelled stubs.
3. falling asleep after sex only to awake in excruciating groinal pain due a condom still being in place, wanger, for the first time, as big as a baseball bat but having the appearance of the most massive blood blister you can imagine. Not a good look.
Duly noted
PHEW...I don't drink Guinness, smoke or wear condoms. Well, once in a while to hold my hair back, but only the ribbed ones. Thanks for the advice.
One poor soul once picked up my hitchhiking older bro after he'd been an a major Guinness session.
He was practically thrown out of the car.
I've already erased the third nugget of advice from my memory. Being a spambot can be useful sometimes.
Loach, you can rely on me.
Jo, it made me sore for about 3 days but I would rather have died from a blood clot than explain that one to a doctor.
Indigo, I'll make the next "don't" list more relevant for OCD suffering, Bud Lite, cat owners.
p.s. wearing a condom in the hair is not a reliable form of contraception.
Swearing lady, alas it was too late for your brother.
Many an East German female shot-putter would be glad of that third piece of advice.
I think I farted from laughing so hard.
Oh, and the condom incident happened to one of my friends a week ago as well.
....been there done that #2. Had to draw myself some eyebrows for a few weeks...not pretty.
LMAO!!! How about lighting a cigarette from the wrong end?? Not that I've done that or anything...
I swear...
Happy Hump Day
Sarah, no farting please. Especially if you've been drinking Guinness and...
Melissa, snap.
Lola, I believe you...
Jacqui, I'm not sure Sarah would appreciate "demure" unless you Frenchies mean something different by it. I suppose the "beautiful" cancels it out though.
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