Wake up, do some work, take some grief , deal with arseholes, suffer a bit of rejection, eat, sleep. Rinse, repeat ad nauseam.
How do you get through when life just seems an interminable grind. When ups are short lived and few and far between. When normality feels like an ever lasting bout of the shits interspersed at random with unanaesthetised tooth pulling. Fun, with an f.
I wish I'd worked harder when I was smart. I wish I'd taken more chances when I could afford to. Now I wish I'll buy the winning lottery ticket.
Perhaps I need to get healthy again. Perhaps it's just the after effects of too long a day in London yesterday. Perhaps I need a little luck. Something needs to change. I need to change. I can't keep living with that little f.
Go for the gusto because you only walk this way once! Everyone leaves a trail of shit behind them...I think the trick is to find some beneficial use for that shit.
So how do you like this locale? I started here before MSN Spaces and didn't do much with it after becoming a "space" cadet. Perhaps it's time to begin anew and take my own advice.
I think it has a lot more to do with that crazy "ass" diet you were on.
As far as same old routine, let me know how you fix it, I'd like to do the same.
RK, I'm wallowing in the stuff and I need to get out and have a bath.
I prefer Blogger. Anyway, Spaces pages don't want to be compatible with Firefox and I'll be fucked if I'm goin' to have anybody "tell" me what I can and can't do.
Sarah, I haven't quite been adhering to the crazy diet. perhaps that's the problem. Have dropped 5 lbs though.
Yummy carrot drink for me tomorrow. More to post in the next few days.
Routine? That's the problem isn't it. I've never lived life to a routine, now I find I'm in one. Need to do something daft.
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