the office
In my job there's two things I hate. Most.
1/ people not returning calls. These are the same people who would be leaving me sharp, angry messages on my voicemail or email if the situation was reversed. " This is the 2nd time I've left a message. I'd have have thought someone would have rang me back by now..."
Is it so difficult to return a call? How can they NOT return a call after a 2nd/3rd message is left? Cunts.
2/ e-mail building up quicker than I can delete it. "Inbox" (apparently one word according to Outlook) now sitting at 148 emails, 7 reminders (some overdue by 3 weeks), 22 items unread.
And what happened to ringing people. I work from home. Fine. Doesn't mean I AM at home all day. Please read where I wrote "do not email me as I will not have access to email until tomorrow, ring me on the number below". From now on I'm going to add "you fuckwit" to the end of that line. Let's see if anyone actually reads it, eh?
3/ (OK, I said two but I got thinking...) the twats that walk you up the path, commit to giving business after months of discussion then need something urgently 10 minutes before they intend to do the deal that will require everything being dropped in an attempt to comply with their impossible request, as they tell you that if you don't get XYZ to them in ABC minutes they'll take the business to EFG company/individual.
Those fuckers should burn. Slowly. Basted in chilli sauce.
Yep, it's a good day at the office today.
I do not envy you.
Working from home- I did that until my Friday 5 o'clock happy hour started at Monday 9 o'clock.
working from home - I did that until I started not COMING home.
Now I still struggle with that, but I do have an office on someone else's property. Two blocks from my home. :)
...and the e-mail? Ugh. I don't envy you on that one either.
Number 3 indeed. Fuckers. I am familiar with that, and whenever I have heard those words, or close to, I have ceased all effort.
Maybe that's why I'm poor.
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