Does anyone really enjoy Valentine's day? I don't. I'm not sure I can say I've ever actually enjoyed it so I suppose I'm ambivolent. I got my first Valentine card when I was about 12 or 13 in school. It was sent to me in sympathy because 2 of the most fanciable girls in class had heard me saying I'd never received one.
When I think back that was the start of my insecurities. I felt pretty ordinary, perhaps less than ordinary and certainly lacking in confidence. I can't remember if I got another Valentine card at school, I suppose I must have but I know I didn't have a girlfriend in any way until I was about 17. Self-assured I was not. For years after I struggled to think well of myself, still do.
Isn't it funny how we can allow ourselves to be mentally neutered and how this can stretch out over years of our lives affecting all our important interactions.
I never received a card today. I'm quite happy about that.
So some things don't change. Happily, other things do.
me, now 43. with my specs on. (fretting about focus hence the dour bake)
Monty! You hot little devil! You've been hiding from us for so long. What a great self portrait! Valentine's Day is over-rated anyway. Besides, you have mini me to give you more love than you can handle I bet.
V day is over rated.
I think I wrote last year about everyone replacing V day with Me day.
I'll have to check the archives now...
I thought I left a comment the other day here - but I must've left it in my head.
you are looking good monty and delicious in VD red :)
junq, I saw your footprints,thought it was strange no comment, but it happens sometimes to me too. Old age, eh?
Oh, and nice to see you here. Make sure you read the first entry or look under click and go in the sidebar.
Wooo, this is so exciting being on an "invite only" blog!
When I was in elementary school, we had to give Valentines to everyone in the class. That way nobody got hurt feelings.
In some ways, the worst prisons are of our own construction.
Amanda, if you read the entry below you'll see the invites are up to you.
Laoch, definitely.
Monty: You look thirty-three. Bastard.
Lighting Jock. All lighting.
And welcome
Well aren't you the hottie (which means cute here, not hot water bottle - had to explain that to my husband). My daughters would say "hottie-boom-a-lottie"...
Thanks for the invite, I'll try not to abuse my power now.
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