It's funny how "things" create or stir emotions in us. Inanimate objects. When we're babies it'll be a blanket or a dummy or a wee cuddly toy. Life goes on, the years pass but there'll always be "things" that we hold dear completely unrelated to their material worth. A photo, a letter, a watch, jewellery, a ticket. All for different reasons but with the common theme running through that they make us feel comfortable, comforted. Happy memories. Now, as a grown up (more usually groan up) I always feel that way about cars. Doesn't matter if it's been an old banger, a heap of scrap or a an expensive lump of German metal, the feeling's the same. This morning my car's being taken back by my old employer. I need a new blanket.
Will your new place give you something? You should request a motorcycle. You'd be the cool dad. Although your mini me is still a bit young...and you can't really take her on it.
You should ask your boss for a Hummer.
Sarah, I've already got a hummer. Oh, a Hummer. With these roads? Not going to work.
Ordered a very sensible car from Henry, black of course.
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