Hallow'e'en. Pre-daddy days it meant getting tidied up and going to do some serious damage at a flange infested embibing emporium. How times have changed. Now, father to the funniest (and smartest, eerily knowledgeable in a way that would make you believe in re-incarnation) toddler around you'd think I'd have happily swapped my days of debauchery for an evening full of tot sized games and amusements. No. My (smartest, funniest, Elmer Fudd-on-helium speaking) toddler is afraid of Hallow'e'en masks and even painted faces. As fireworks are officially banned now, thanks to the wee spides who fire them at pets and ambulances, that makes for an interesting Hallow'e'en.
I can't be done for child abuse just for taking her into a bar can I?
The kids have candy once in a blue moon, and neither are afraid of/looking forward to Halloween.
Truly, the only reason we go is so I can get free chocolate.
Looks like it'll be you, mini-me, a bottle of your favorite drinky, the couch, and "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."
That face paint actually scared me a bit.
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