Friday, September 08, 2006


I haven't been sleeping well lately. Late to bed, early to rise. Broken sleep. Weird dreams. Pains in the chest.

I'm contemplating a job move. Harder work, much bigger challenge, potential of more money. About £30k more than I can currently earn where I am. There are some very big "ifs" that come along with it. It'll be shit or bust. I'm stagnating where I am.


Anna said...

How will this affect your mojo?

H said...

Fucking hell! You must be seriously well paid if the salary increments between jumps up the ladder are in the tens of thousands.

Anonymous said...

Make the right choice or I'll cut you.

Love and kisses,

Anonymous said...

And why wouldnt you take the new job, if thats the increase in salary?

monty said...

Oh, I could have written that better.

What I meant was the top end ceiling is £30k more than my current job.i.e. hypothetical best, best case, hit with the lucky stick, walk in dog-shit, bird crap on your car lucky kind of top end pay.

Basic is actually slightly less than my current job although I've negotiated a salary guarantee for 6 months.

Anna, I suppose that depends on whether I work the job or the job works me.

slurker, I wish.

swearing lady, tell me. you decide.

sher, see above. should have been clearer. trust me, if I earn the max. that is possible I'll be like a dog with two dicks (to use a colloquialism).

monty said...

Jo, I'm not turning gay for any amount of money. The only lifestyle change I'm thinking of making involves frequency of breakfast in other peoples' houses.