Noctilucent Clouds
I've been trying to catch these for about 2 weeks, finally caught them tonight around midnight out the back window of my office. They're a natural phenomena whose cause is still unknown. They're clouds on the edge of space, where clouds shouldn't exist (90 miles up) much, much higher than ordinary clouds which are normally up to 5 miles up. They luminesce neon colours and are only visible in darkness (I used a manual shutter of about 6 seconds). More on them here.
Beautiful. One year, we had a show of these clouds for about an hour or so. I believe it was the only time it happened here.
I'm jealous. Great shot. Very difficult lighting, but you got it!
Beautiful, indeed. I'm envious. Of the clouds (since I don't believe I've ever seen their kind) and your shot.
Jo, I read your comment quickly and thought it said "you ain't beautiful, freak pic". Was still happy.
Sarah, nothing to do with me. The camera metering got it. I just pointed in the right direction though for such a long exposure the remote control was essential.
Jock, I think your latitude would be to low to ever see them. I'm about 55 degrees north and due to the geometry involved am in the band they're able to be seen from.
Have you turned over a new leaf PP?
In answer, no. I'm no stargazer but the phenomenon that causes Northern (and Southern) Lights happens when solar particles emitted by the sun hit the earth's magnetosphere, the magnetic field around earth and much further out than the atmosphere or troposphere.
That pic is gorgeous, Monty. And so is the tune you've got playin'. Sweetness.
I likes clouds, I do.
Isn't there a book out at the moment for cloudspotters? Lovely.
PP, if you want to comment here you can.
If you behave as you have in the past, you can't.
I don't know if you have either the desire or character to change your behaviour. The jury may be out for a very long time.
Beav, thanks. I'm downloading some old soul at the minute. Aretha ended up here.
Melissa, for a minute I thought I'd accidentally posted a pic of my tackle. Good to know you liked the clouds though.
Swearing Lady, I do believe you're right. Heard it on the radio. Holiday reading perhaps. Learn to read the weather, an absolute necessity in our 4 seasons-in-one-day country.
PP, ta for the compliment. It's basic and functional. And easy.
Jo, PP alas is not an Amazonian admirer, though I am interested in acquiring some.
That pic is one of the coolest things I've seen this year. And last year.
I've shopped at Amazon, so would I count as Amazonian?
Badgerdaddy, ta.
The season for seeing these lasts a couple of months. Try looking north between 11pm and 2am at an elevation of about 15/20 degrees.
No, I think Jo means a "different" kind of Amazonian. Think sexing. And stop buying books, it'll make you go blind.
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