Monday, June 26, 2006

just click

Not related to my previous entry but I saw this and had to stick it up here.

Click me


Quindigo said...

Maintenance on the site, but I see "hitlercats" in the title and expect the worst. I'll check back later, I PWOMISE! (for a teet, anyway).

monty said...

seems to be working again Quindigo.

Aww. Look at that lovely child.

jnuts said...

A space devoteed to cats who look like Hitler? Some people have WAY too much time on their hands...and why didn't I think of it first?

Monty: I saw your latest film the other night. I'm having a wee bit of the crush on her. And she's got your number, doesn't she?

Anonymous said...

LOL, that was just the pick me up I needed Monty thanks :)

Sweary said...

Hmm. Not as visually stimulating as Stalinparrots, though. And MaoTseTungGoldfish is good too.

kittycatlane said...

AWWWW they are so cute! I used to feed a feral that was long haired and had a Hitler mustache. He was sweet.

Soooo about the balloon and dart thing.... I say dump myspace for sure! LOL BIG HUGS, Steph

badgerdaddy said...

I think you just enriched all our lives a little bit.

David Todd said...

Johnny Ross (Woss) must read this blog as he showed a couple of those pics on his show on the Beeb on Fri night

monty said...

Jock, yup.

bk30, you're welcome

swearing lady, come off the medication immediately.

steph, pay atention. I don't have a myspace. see above.

badgerdaddy, quality. no substitute for it.

cyberscribe, Wossy weally has gweat taste.