I'm no fan of celebrities. They usually live in a bubble world very much detached from the rest of us, it seems to matter little whether they're an A lister or a Z lister. I'm sure no-one won any money from the split of Britney and K-Fed, one of the surest things most likely to happen in anyone's books. Events like these do, however, remind us that they're as fragile and flawed as you and me, perhaps more-so. They dated for only 2 months before getting engaged, him leaving his pregnant partner to be with Britney. You and I would be hearing bells here. They then went on to wed 6 months later having been a couple for 8 months. By all accounts the marriage was lucky to survive beyond Britney's first pregnancy but being the clever couple they are they thought having another child straight away was a good idea. Surely the spawn of these genes is not something that will enhance the human race unless 2 idiots can make a genius. The children are unfortunate victims and I shouldn't mock. You have to feel sorry for anyone who, despite not having the money worries the rest of us have to deal with in our day to day lives, have such inability to gauge a situation that will forever change their life and the lives of others. In fairness to Britney he seems to be a bigger idiot than she is and I imagine a messy divorce will allow his true colours to come even more to the fore.
For the record Britney, I'd sign a pre-nup, use contraception (and remind you to) and stick to careers I know I'm good at, won't even think about becoming a bad-ass rapper. And I'd have done you in the Toxic video.
p.s. of course you'd have to become smart and change your hair colour back. Don't pretend you're not giving it some thought.
Readers, please note the top picture isn't really a picture of Britney but of a girl from Iowa called Emmie and was taken by Eric Striffler. Actually, looking at the bottom picture, Emmie has first dibs.