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© tinyworldreview 2004-2007
Labels: crap
Labels: honest
What sort of poisonous, sick bitch does this?
Drag the bitch behind a car for 5 miles. Roll in salt, oil and chilli powder. Crisp with a blowtorch.
Labels: high horse
I'm hardly elusive. But if you did want to find me here's a few tips.
12:29 am
worthy thoughts
Labels: honest
If I'd been brought up with a silver spoon in my mouth it would have been different. I wouldn't have to walk through life carefully balancing the chips that sit comfortably either side of my fat working-class neck. And therein lies the cause of Friday night's problem, a work related black tie dinner sandwiched between 2 parts of an opera. Not just any opera but an exclusive performance set in an old stone built barn (about 300 years old, set in the grounds of an old country estate) which could only hold 200 patrons, performed by an amateur company complete with an amateur orchestra (bar the conductor). Several things struck me during the night.
Labels: honest
I've done this many times. Stop. Start again. Repeat ad nauseam. Every time I restart I wonder why. One always leads to another. I can get addicted to anything. I'm quite sure if all there was in the world was air and water I'd get addicted to them instead. This time I have to make it stick though. It's making me look old (good god, I've realised I am vain), making me unhealthy, making me smell and I don't want my daughter to associate me with the smell of a stale cigarette though she never sees me smoking ( I hope she isn't imprinted already but fear it might be too late). I'm not even worried about the money. I used to be so fit. Seven miles over hills in 36 minutes. 140 sits ups in one sitting. Two minutes of anything now would place me uncomfortably close to my maker. So 60 hours ago the last Marlboro red was tossed away (after a good toke). No-one's dead and nothing of any real value is broke. But I could kill for a piece of nasty tasting gum.
Labels: bad habits, honest
Now and again a tiny sparklet fizzles across the vacuum that currently occupies the space where my brain used to reside. It's never the genesis of a eureka moment like Newton's third law or the Archimedes Principle. Today's spark came after being away for 2 days and drinking heavily last night into the wee hours as I mooched around the airport awaiting my flight home this evening. Was I a tit or an arse man? Told you! Of course the answer changes from day to day and whoever happens to be the unlucky recipient of my gaze at the time. The decision du jour appears to be dependant on such weighty aesthetic variables as;
© tinyworldreview 2004-2007. copyrighted just in case I ever accidentally write anything worth reading