Saturday, September 09, 2006

London calling

Next weekend I'm popping over to see a friend and help him celebrate his birthday. I've been quite a few times over the years, seldom lately though. My current job was supposed to take me to London on a regular basis but that never materialised and the city's still a big mystery to me. I had intended to meet a fellow blogger (now ex blogger) last year but couldn't get a date organised that suited for work and childcare etc. Anyway, I'd probably have made an arse of myself. Back to London. If I move around it in daylight, with a map and plenty of time I can manage to get lost only once every 30 minutes or so. A proper result. Don't ask me which Tube stations link with other lines and stuff like that. As I'm colour blind the Tube map makes no sense to me. It's like spaghetti with name tags. Buy a day ticket and be loose on meeting times. That's the way to do it. For most places public transport is quite good, though can be slow, slower if you get the wrong Tube or bus. Essential if you're injured. Last time I was there I was in Camberwell and the three of us who were meeting stood at a bar like a human three legged stool and, without moving for six hours, talked bollocks to each other while drinking double vodkas with shot chasers. Needless to say I acquired an injury on the walk home from the bar. So next weekend when you're drawing the curtains and turning out the lights think of me and my walnut sized liver fruitlessly trying to process drugs and alcohol at a rate that will keep me out of hospital.


Anonymous said...

A year ago I was in London. I'm pretty sure the black cab driver was trying to kill me. Have a nice trip. Just make sure you take your liver out at night, rinse it good in the bathroom sink, wring it out and hang it up to dry so its ready for you the next day. Just don't accidentally flush it down the toilet.

Quindigo said...

I'm pretty sure you just posted the directions to the book shelf I bought last weekend...where's my screwdriver?

monty said...

Sher, I'm going to see if I can buy a new liver from a tee-total east European immigrant.

Quindigo, click on it and you'll see it's not all it seems.