Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hot, hot, hot

Two Sundays ago I stopped smoking, except for a 10 pack bought on a drinking spree last Saturday night. Regretted next day of course. I intend to stay off them though I've been an on and off smoker from day to day, week to week for years. One of the things I notice , but is becoming more obvious, is that when I stop my body warms up. All my extremities seem to be getting more blood all of a sudden, my feet and hands feel like they're radiating heat. I believe I have in fact become a thermo-nuclear device. Now, that has to be good. Even if it means I now contravene the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

I don't care, impose sanctions on me all you want I'm not going back on the weed again. And, I'm going to save a fortune on heating costs this winter.


Sweary said...


Now all that's left to do is join the X-Men and get a nemesis. I propose myself: you be Hotso and I'll be EffluentGob.

Anonymous said...

Odd you should mention this, Monty. I always had cold extremities: wearing gloves and socks in the house to keep Arizona, for god's sake.

Once I quit smoking, I no longer had that problem. I've never understood it, but damn, I'm happy. Of course, I'm not looking to self-combust, either.

monty said...

Jacqui, ta.

p.s. Did your missus send you over?

swearing lady, indeed I have. Frm your superhero-tag I can guess your special skill.

Jock, not just me then?

monty said...

There's no smell Jo. Never smoked in the house or car. Even I knew it smelt disgusting.

Quindigo said...

My hands and feet are always numb, and I've never smoked...I suppose I'd be a frozen bag of mixed veggies if I did, huh?

Good job, Monty!

Anonymous said...

I think the warmth has something to do with your lungs not needing to hog al of the oxygen-rich blood cells now. Ooo, now you won't be able to get the ladies off of you with those warm hands.

The Darker Side said...

You GO dude! :)

When I quit, my circulation got 10X better - warm extremities most of the time. Also got my singing voice back. In another 5 years time, even the heart muscle will be that of someone who never smoked!
You got a lot to look forward to!
Smokeless Dragon
(over 10 years).