I don't like Mondays
Mini-me had a not so mini fall on Monday. It was an accident and I can't really blame anyone, well... except her mother. For other adults out there here's what not to do.
- Circumstances - child jumping off small stool onto floor.
- Concerns - that child will fall even though she's as sure footed as a Tibetan mountain goat that's scaled Everest with nothing more than a toothpick and the instincts it was born with.
- What not to do - after child has jumped up off stool, and whilst still in mid-air, grab said child's legs cartwheeling them around the unnatural fulcrum you have just made so that the first thing that hits the hardwood floor is their tiny, soft beautiful (but soon not to be) cherub face.
Monty!! I'm sorry to hear about Mini-Me. I hope she recovers quickly.
But I'm really excited to have found you again! I thought that you'd quit the blogging world. Apparently I'm behind.
Oh, I hope she recovers quickly.
I love how you manage to put the words "unnatural fulcrum" together, have it make sense, but more importantly, cause me to giggle.
Marvin is a good role model though.
I was driving down the Southport prom with a 6 year old and my 2 year old. The older one says that she can see "Blackpool from here." That is true. My two year old pipes up "I can see pinkpool from here." I love that.
I like the new space! I will be sure to update the link on my page.
Hope Mini-you is ok!
ta Courtney. Saw you posted a wedding dress the other day. There's no need for that!
Sarah, are you saying I'm a word mangler? Right! Belts off, no scratching or biting. Fists up!
Loach, is he? I bet you've one a $ or two on him.
tawdrey, tiny ones, they get clever too quick. Their view of the world is much more fun.
Amanda, hi again. Mini-me is recovering. Her mother however will be in hospital for several weeks.
Oh, dear. That's waaaaaaaaaaaay worse than the time I cut my son's ear with a sharp scissors while cutting his hair, or even the time I gave him a third-degree burn on his upper arm with a cookie sheet.
On second thought, maybe not.
It's awful, Monty, I know, but babies + moms = trouble. They just do.
I'm sorry about the tiny one. Take pictures! You should ALWAYS take pictures of your children's injuries. They make for great stories/memories later. (We laugh like maniacs whenever I bring out the picture MY mom took when I broke my nose at age 8. It's disturbing, but intriguing, and my kids and I nearly pee our pants every time we see it.)
But we're weird like that.
Wow, you brought back some memories for me.
Way back in the day I ...
well, you can just check out the photos I just uploaded to my space and you'll see what I mean.
By the way, I love your new blog and the sound effects are great!
Sorry, Monty- I was trying to say that your writting impresses me. I am not a very good writer, as you can see, and my points don't come off as they were intended.
That said, I'm up for a good brawl anyhow. Watch though, you're at a disadvantage- I've been eating the bread crusts, and your colon has been compromised.
Kay, I couldn't bring myself to take a picture but I know what you mean. Tell me about the third degree burn.
Sarah, I knew what you meant. But this interweb thing can make it hard to convey how something's meant and I refuse to use smilies. Thanks for the compliment but I don't see myself as any sort of writer. I enjoy reading your entries though , well written, self effacing. 2 crusts? I'm calling off the fight.
Jadelia, thanks. I'll pop over to check out the pics. Must get my arse into gear and edit up another short vid.
Okay I'm here with drink...whiskey and vodka to be exact...but I didn't bring glasses or ice..cuz that's for pussies ;)
Have a great weekend!
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