Thursday, April 26, 2007


Time ticks by doesn't it? Been doing a bit of drifting. My declining post rate is down to work. I've been away a bit and when I've been home I've given myself more to do than previously which in turn generates more calls and ..... so the cycle escalates. It's not like I'm killing myself, I'm just finding new creative ways to spread 8 hours work over 17, who says executive training isn't effective? When will I learn?

On the good news front I got paid handsomely last week. Inland Revenue took an extremely generous slice and moved the decimal point over one place. Thanks tax-man!

Fitting into the fleeting passing interest/temporary hobby category that constitutes my life I've been dabbling with Linux again. Yes, that's me showing up on your stat-counter. I don't want to create the wrong impression here, I know nothing about it.

My next post will be about breasts though, that much I know.


junquedujour said...

I have the interest in Linux, but no drive to really dig into it.

So, have you checked out the software yet? it's quite a powerful free software. the forums offer some great stuff too.
Also, I've been snooping out the site on a daily basis. I've only d/l a couple of the programs though -- yet, it's a good site to check out on a daily basis.

okay, that's the extent of my techbabble for the day

monty said...

Junq, I've been using Ubuntu Linux. The latest version is 7.04 but I've found that it's very poor as far as wireless support is concerned. If you're wired to your computer it's fine. It's easy (checking their forums which are very good) to set up a dual boot with Windows. I've reverted to using Ubuntu 6.06 which has no problem supporting my laptop's wireless though my desktop's wireless is a different matter.

Free software, I've given up on installing anything other than essentials as it clogs up my pc and /or attaches nag screens.

Autohotkey, I took a look at that, I always use context menus and the mouse. I do use some Firefox extensions that reduce the typing effort to a couple of clicks at times, like for log-ins etc.

Try Ubuntu 6.06. You can order a free 6.06 CD. Here's some light reading....

Sultan said...

Unlike junque my interest lie much more in the breast area than linux.