Wednesday, March 28, 2007

pics and sticks

The Golden Wedding Anniversary party went off without a hitch. My parents didn't have a clue until the minute they walked through the door into the room at the venue we'd hired for the day. They were instantly knocked over by the emotion. About 70 people had turned up, friends and family, and they got round them all over the following few hours.

I'd repaired old photos and blown some original wedding photos up as posters 30"x20" which were displayed around the room and made an album up of more 8"x10"s which was passed around the tables.
I thanked people for coming and my dad got up and made a short speech finishing by saying Mini-me was the love of his life. I don't think anyone had ever seen him cry before.

My lasting memory, however, is of my 8 cousins and their progeny. Someone was awfully busy with the ugly stick. Euwwwwgh!


Sarah said...

Would it be worse if you walked into the room and saw all of the women looked like Victoria's Secret models, and realized that they were your cousins?

You should be thankful that you were the lucky winner of the good genes of the family.

monty said...

Look, I had a cousin (she's not really a cousin) who's the same age as me there. At school everyone fancied her and I dare say manys a pint on the loinal juice was spilt on her behalf but on seeing her last Sunday for the first time in 10 or more years..... well, she's a wee bit old meat now. Yesterday's lunch. But me... I turned into a fucking swan.