Saturday, October 21, 2006

Seventies smells

Boarded the plane on Wednesday to find my luggage sitting behind my seat. Seat number 8. Seat number 8 of an eight seater plane that looked, smelt and felt like a 70s car inside.
For the first time I saw every single passenger pay attention to the safety briefing on what had turned into a blustery day. Every single mile of the flight would take place over water. Cold water. Five minutes and you're dead water. I line up The Smiths on my MP3 player.


Sarah said...

That's my kind of plane! I love that you took pictures of it. What did they serve for dinner?

In all seriousness, I hope you're having a nice, safe trip, and will return in the same fashion- nice and safe.

monty said...

They're not my photos but they are of the same type of plane. Only had my camera phone with me and the pics I took were overexposed. The return flight was more fun as we had to fly through low storm clouds. I sat closer to the single pilot and tried to learn low to fly just in case as I could see the plane didn't have any radar. He was about 70 if he was a day, grumpy and one loud BOO! from meeting his maker.