Queen of the ball
If you're petty and small minded like me you'll like this. Somehow I missed the story first time round. You know Richard Branson? OK. Well he was throwing a 21st birthday party for his son, the theme of which was The Madhatter's Ball. Paris Hilton heard about the party and asked if she could come dressed as Alice, therefore guaranteeing her a starring role. Sir Dicky agreed. When she turned up however she found Tricky Dicky had asked all 60 waitresses to dress up as Alice too. To rub salt in to the wounds he deliberately asked Paris for a drink when she approached him. Quality.
p.s. do you think she's lost a contact or just about to be on the receiving end?
Branson is my new hero.
She just got socked in the jaw this week by some chick who used to be married to Oscar De LaHoya. I can't wait for this girl to disappear.
Jock, snap.
Sarah, even Oscar couldn't hit her hard enough...
HOLY SHIT! This is friggin' GORGEOUS! You've been holding out, Monty - I'm having blog envy. :)
(um..not because Paris is here, obviously).
As we say in my side of the world, "she has a face like a melted bucket".
quindigo, steady on.
swearing lady, "....face like a Lurgan spade".
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