Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Remember to backup a copy of your template, boys and girls, to your hard drive.......just in case you somehow tinker to the point where you completely fuck it up and have to start again.

Of course,
I don't know anyone stupid enough to do that.


Anonymous said...

hmmmm it's looking mighty vanilla around here.
Sorry bout the loss.

I hate it when I have to learn that backup lesson againAgainAGAIN
You'd think we would learn after the first time wouldn't. oy

monty said...

I know Junq. Twat. Anyway, now up and enhanced.
I just can't help "fixing" things. Fix it until it breaks, that's my motto.

Anonymous said...

Did you just call Junq a twat? Or in this case is twat interchangeable with "fuck" or "shit"?

I know the answer actually.. but I do love to instigate.

Sarah said...

I think you fixed my original comment that I left yesterday right out of here. Twat.

monty said...

Sher, I'm the twat.

Sarah, you big fibber, you left no such comment.

Anonymous said...

LOL~ now who would do something like that??? ;)

happy hump day!