Muslims need to do more
The threat from Muslim extremists is not abating. Muslim leaders in the UK place themselves somewhere between denial and justification of suicide bombers and their ambiguity is both unhelpful and dangerous. They can protect both their own community and the wider secular community best by saying more, more often in public and without the "but...." tag that seems obligatory in their interviews and statements. They can encourage their fellow Muslims to report suspicions to the appropriate authorities or the special team the anti-terrorist police have created to handle these. When the next attack does succeed (as one inevitably will) I want them to feel that their conscience is clear. After all we keep hearing about "the religion of peace" it would be good to see some positive action from these leaders rather than news-bite lip-service.
The ball's in their court.
It is sad that the Muslim extremists seem bound and determined to start and wage holy war that must end in tears for them. I guess there is sadly that religion often is an information virus.
I try to teach tolerance, acceptance, and open-mindedness. Things like this enrage me.
No talking about "ordinary Muslims" Jo, talking about their leaders and what they're saying to "ordinary Muslims".
Remember, all these bombers were once "ordinary Muslims".
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